
Showing posts from May, 2023

Easton’s Birth

I worked up until I was 37.5 weeks pregnant. My last day was March 31, 2023. I was feeling good at this point; just the usual soreness that comes with being pregnant. I had booked the next two weeks as vacation to hopefully enjoy some time to read, enjoy the unseasonably warm weather, make meals, nap and get stuff ready for baby. Easter was also thrown in there.  So I made it through my first week of vacation. It was so enjoyable. I crushed a book a day and didn’t do much of anything. I went to the midwife on April 6, and Simone said at my next appointment we could do a stretch and sweep to attempt to get things going if I wanted. Sounds like a plan to me. I would have been just over 39 weeks and I would have almost been through my 2 weeks of vacation.  Fast forward to Easter weekend. Easter Sunday we went to the Chilled Cork Easter brunch with mom and dad. We didn’t get home until 130 so I said to Shane that we might as well just go for a walk and hope Holden naps in the stroller. He